Introducing… Elliot and Winston!

Born April 2012 and May 2015

Now, Back to Adventure!

on April 23, 2012

Kate has gotten more and more restless over the last week, which came to a head Saturday night after two or three days without leaving the house. Once she learned that Motherhood Maternity was having a Nursing Event, our Sunday plans were made. We slept soundly until almost 2 A.M., and then until 5-ish, and then until just after 8:00!

After a quick breakfast and showering, we dressed Elliot, fed him, changed his diaper, dressed him again, changed his diaper again and then again, fed him again, and then headed out the door to visit Gam Gam and Slappy.

As Kate mentioned, we had delicious grilled Chilean sea bass and some cake. Elliot ate a few more times and then got himself into a deep sleep for well over ninety minutes. We intended to leave to visit Great-Granny Dillard and shop for blouses (separate stops) as soon as he woke up. After an hour of sleep we gave up and headed out the door.

Since it was still early afternoon, the second visit of the day was calm and enjoyable for all parties.

On a cuter note, I have a new favorite thing that Elliot does. He has figured out that burping makes him feel better. When I have him in burp position, now, he immediately starts making a grunting “ungh” that really sounds as if he is trying to burp.

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