Yay! I’m 2 weeks post-op! I can finally take of these surgical bandages and start showing off my badass scar!
I know, I know… Elliot is 2 weeks old today! I can hardly believe it. My baby is growing up soooo fast! There is this syndrome that moms get after their first baby, which gets worse with time. I like to refer to it as “Mommy Brain Damage.” It is the reason that kids have siblings and why moms will say crazy stuff like “Breast feeding is natural and easy!” and “They practically raise themselves!” Anyways, I am starting to notice the early signs of affliction with MBD. In spite of the tons of dirty diapers, 3 hour evening feeding sessions, and post-op discomfort, I start to tear up at the thought of Elliot getting older and find myself planning the timing of my next pregnancy. Going back to work is going to be so hard… There is no cure for MBD but symptoms can be treated with a splash of cold water in the face.
2 Week Birthday Lunch at Gam Gam’s
Aunt Jeanine and Uncle Mark stopped by last night with enough Cracker Barrel to feed 10 people and our new neighbors were having a party and brought us some BBQ and a cute outfit for Elliot. We are very lucky to have so much wonderful support from friends and family.
Elliot took a bath with Logan last night which actually went pretty well. Now that his umbilical cord has fallen off, Elliot can take a real bath instead of a sponge bath. We put him in the water and he made an upset face at first but then decided it wasn’t so bad. He did kick off from Logan at on point but fortunately I had my hands under him so he just floated on my hands for a bit. Everything was nice until he had to be taken out of the tub, which was like being born all over again! He howled pretty much until he was dry and breastfeeding. Logan suggested that next time we put Elliot’s towel in the dryer beforehand, which seems like a pretty good idea to me…
I clipped Elliot’s fingernails afterward, and I gotta say after years of clipping hedgehog fingernails, baby fingernails were nothing!
More fun facts about Elliot: He seems to be quite happy to be out of my uterus. I am told that when he was first extracted and put in the baby warmer, he stretched out his arms and legs as far as he could, which was disappointing to Logan since he was looking forward to sproinging some baby legs. He also does not like to be swaddled, so take that The Happiest Baby on the Block.
One time Logan attempted a swaddle and Elliot managed to get his feet free but not his hands. The way he was kicking and crying he looked like a mental patient in a straight jacket! We had a quick laugh and promptly unbound him.
“I remember when I lost my mind.”