Elliot and his new blue ball, the Frederick version of his very similar ball at home.
Linzy: “That better not be my nephew in a tutu!”
Elliot found my parent’s magazine basket.
Visiting the Collier’s on Christmas Eve Eve
Elliot’s teeth picked a fine time to make their appearance.
Fortunately, his Gingy was there to help make him feel better!
Splashy baths help too, especially with bubble goatees!
Getting the presents sorted for Christmas Eve gift exchange!
Uncle Art reading him I Want My Hat Back.
“Towels, mom? That’s what you wanted?” Oh YES!
Getting interesting video footage.
Elliot visiting his Nell and Mosley. He got a cool lime green sock monkey. Also, notice his onesie…
The obligatory “baby in a bucket wearing a hat” picture.
On to Gam Gam’s on Christmas Day. Auntie Linzy helped him open his presents!
Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Stride-to-Ride Puppy
Finishing up our fun filled Christmas at Granny’s!
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