Introducing… Elliot and Winston!

Born April 2012 and May 2015

Wedding Weekend Part 1: Prenuptial

on December 10, 2012

Auntie Linzy’s big day has come and gone, and what a great time we had! We went to her rehearsal dinner on Thursday night. Aunt Lisa and Kyra rode to Gatlinburg with us. Elliot made friends with the sweet flower girls Jorja and Isabell.

We got through the rehearsal and Elliot only broke his toy ring twice. Then we ate dinner at Calhoun’s, which was delicious. I dropped Logan and Elliot off at Linzy’s house for the night and I went to work. Logan reports that Linzy and her friends came in late and woke Elliot at midnight, but he got them back at 6:30AM!

Then next day, Logan and Elliot went to the Bridal luncheon at the Pancake House while mommy slept after her shift.

I arrived at the hotel that evening. Linzy and I hung out in the hotel room and played with Elliot while we waited for the parade. Linzy lamented that her friends would not hang out with her that afternoon before her wedding. Little did she know, we were about to start her SURPRISE BACHELORETTE PARTY!

Elliot watched the Gatlinburg Parade with his Gingy, Grandpa, and Uncle Tom.

The next day was the big wedding day! I went to go get my hair did and Logan went to go help set up the reception. My parents got Elliot ready!

To be continued…

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