Elliot is 10 days old today! He lost his umbilical cord yesterday and was well behaved enough for Logan, Gingy, and me to go get hair cuts! Gingy left last night with Grandpa and Logan and I have been flying solo for the first time since we left the hospital. After a rather traumatic bath, the rest of the night was about status quo. I think I got about 2-3hrs of sleep at the beginning and end of the night with a large gap in the middle filled with feedings and changes. Oh and Huggies “Snug and Dry” are anything but… Total damage, two pairs of pajamas. I think we are going to be Pampers people.
I saw Tilly sleeping by the linen closet while I was heading to another diaper change. She looked so sad and lonely, it broke my heart. We let her finish the night with us and she slept firmly between Logan’s legs the entire time he was there.
Today Elliot has been generally fussy and pretty much just wants to nurse. Logan and I have been practicing our burping skills (on Elliot) but it is more difficult than it looks. Slappy came by to help Logan move a few more things from the old apartment and I worked on ordering prints for the baby book and fixing my Apple products. A couple of my Steri-Strips fell off today, so hopefully I am finally starting to heal. I really want to drive!
I dressed Elliot up in one of his Bengal’s onesies for Slappy. Here’s a picture where he is not crying.
Also, in case there is some confusion, here is a cast of characters for your reference.
Elliot – the baby (said with Gam Gam’s embellishment)
Kate – mom (me)
Logan – dad
Gingy – my mom
Grandpa – my dad
Slappy – Logan’s dad
Gam Gam – Logan’s mom
Tilly – our cat
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